Simple ideas to support your favorite Boutique Hotel during the COVID-19 crisis

April 6, 2020

Do you strive to live like a local whenever you travel, and support the surrounding communities? Do you actually have a favourite small hotel, hidden somewhere next to the sea, in the middle of a city or up in the mountains? Then you must be wondering how are they doing nowadays, with the COVID-19 crisis?

Unfortunately, boutique hotels are experiencing an unprecedented situation. Mass cancellations, temporarily closure of their properties, while they struggle to keep up with payments to suppliers and employees … Many of these small properties can’t cope with the situation and are facing a truly existential crisis. If you are like us, willing to help your preferred boutique hotel or just a guest house in your region, here are some quick ideas on how you could action while staying safe at home.

Don’t cancel, postpone

If you already prepaid for your next vacation, try not to cancel it, where possible. Reach out to the hotel and discuss potential changing the dates of your stay. Most of the hoteliers would propose a redeemable voucher or reschedule the stay without penalties. They may even surprise you with a “Thank You” gift like a free breakfast or a spa treatment

Pay now, stay later

In the same positive spirit, if you can afford it, why not book today for your next trip (whenever that is). Buying now, would inject much-needed cash into the hotel’s books and help them with their payroll and other expenses. You could benefit from low offers or much appreciated complimentary services!

Benefit from their new services

Many hoteliers are being creative during the crisis and offer new services such as meal-delivery services, online sale of wares, remote cooking classes… Keep up to date with their news to check the new services you could benefit from.Get the official information about travel in Croatia here (external link)

Consider giving a donation

Without any income and facing a long list of cancellations and reimbursements, the small hotels are running out of cash. Being a people’s business, their staff are the first impacted with salaries cut and redundancies. You may be willing to help a specific small hotel by giving a donation to or support a local association of guest houses by launching your own crowdfunding campaign.

Support their marketing efforts

Small businesses usually don’t have marketing expertise or budget. Their loyal customers are the best ambassadors. In preparation for better days, you can share memories of your preferred small boutique hotel (and tagging it) in your social media, or use the spare time due to lock down, to write that review about your last stay at the hotel.

Show them love!

support your favorite Boutique Hotel during the COVID-19

Apart from liking their Facebook page or Instagram posts, you can simply reach out to your preferred boutique hotel and send a word of support to the owner through social media, e-mail or a simple phone call. That can be priceless moral support for them in these difficult time!

Most importantly, Stay safe, be Creative and keep dreaming about your next vacation!